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Croatia opened public call for RES

The much-awaited public call for renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) has been launched by the Croatian energy market operator (HROTE). The call offers two kinds of incentive schemes: guaranteed purchase price and market premium. HROTE’s public call for the expression of interest is a first step towards subsequent public tendering. The public call lasts for two months. After the expiration of these two months, bids for the public tender should be submitted within 15 days. In order to open a public tender, a minimum of three expressions of interest must be submitted for a specific group of units. Maximum offtake prices vary between 84 €/MWh and 178

€/MWh. Total capacity offered is 88 MW. The prices in the table are based on exchanged rates on the day the public call was launched.

The call can be found here.

Source: HROTE


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