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Fortum-EPCG consortium to build 250 MW solar power plant in Montenegro

Consortium between Finnish Fortum and the Montenegrin state-owned utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) was awarded a tender to build and operate a 250 MW solar power plant. As reported by the Montenegrin government in a statement, Fortum-EPCG offered a lease fee of 0.33 €/m2, while the second best bid offered only 0.05 €/m2. Overall planned investment is estimated at €178 million, with domestic companies’ participation set around €20 million. The consortium also obligated itself to create 226 jobs during the entire duration of the lease.

Construction of the Briska Gora plant is planned in two phases:

Phase I guarantees a minimum installed capacity of 50 MW to be constructed within 18 months from the date of signing the lease agreement.

Phase II regards the construction of the remaining part of the power plant (exceeding 200 MW of additional capacity) to be constructed within the further 18 months (36 months from the date of signing the lease agreement).

Source: Vijesti


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